WHO Poll

Alfs 3:23 Wed Sep 1
Our owners
Okay, they have quite rightly been pilloried for the first few years at the OS, but leaving the universal hatred toward them aside - are they beginning to get things right?

Pellegrini was a disaster, as we all know. But he was handed significant fees, which he spunked up the wall, leaving WH with massive losses on Haller and Anderson. Oh, and Roberto, who cost us 12 points. . Not the board's fault. The majority of WHOers were excited by his appointment - just no one had any idea how far his Alzheimer's had kicked in.

Since Moyes has arrived for his second coming we've brought in Bowen, Benny, Fornals, Coufal, Soucek, and now three more internationals, in Zouma, Vlasic and Krul.

For years we've been a selling club, but now we're actually spending money to improve. Not something I've witnessed in my 50 years of claret and blue frustration.

Like the majority of you, I've wanted them out since the move turned into a joke. But I have to say, I'm reconsidering. Particularly now, when that PAI lot are trying to muscle in.

So, WHOers, this will make you gag, but does the board deserve some credit for where we are? Can you forgive them for their past discrepencies?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

one iron 9:10 Fri Sep 3
Re: Our owners
We missed out on getting a forward,we would not pay the 9 ml the club wanted, same westham.dont be fooled by gsb.

Mr Chocolate 4:11 Thu Sep 2
Re: Our owners
Moyes will prove himself to become one of our best ever managers..

Crassus 10:49 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Can't agree more
Moyes has that nasty look about him, a cold edge, a nasty side to keep fuckers on their toes edge, yet balanced by seemingly having them wanting to work for him and then acknowledging when they do
I like that and concede that he appears to have the balance of old skool and modern man management - a rare commodity whilst surrounding himself with those to fit the backroom pegs ideally

Mad Dog 10:30 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
100 lies

arsegrapes 10:07 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
One swallow.......

Side of Ham 9:47 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Crass, I always got the feeling Slaven just wants to be your mate, whereas Moyes has looks to take a step back from that and leave it to the likes of Nolan to do all the matey stuff with the players.....just what I've noticed though not necessarily the case.

Crassus 9:40 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Strange thing to say perhaps, but I think the likable Slaven just did not have the minerals of Moyes, or maybe the motivation
He just wasted away in front of our eyes, looked distinctly unwell come the end and his team reflected it
I don't know, the Payet situation, shit behind the scenes with the board, the move, the emotion of leaving home, it all just came on top
Moyes though, roundly cunted just stood his ground stoically and has proven many, me included, wrong upon just about every level - bloke must be getting to the point where 'big clubs' will be watching him again
The Arsenal for starters .....

Fair play to the bloke

Side of Ham 9:32 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Yeah I liked Slaven, but Moyes is giving us this ethic/attitude that I fucking love. I just hope these signings keep him moving forwards and give him the options he needs.

Nutsin 9:24 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
I agree two good years in a row would be something.

I hoped we would get that with Billic, I liked him a lot and was gutted when it went down the shitter for him.

This time seems real though. Moyes has a system that seems pretty fucking solid and he is getting the best out of several players so hopefully we can keep it going. This could be our finest hour and Moyesies shot at redemption for the way things went at Man U.

I’m quietly optimistic, hope I’m proven right!

Side of Ham 9:18 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
At least French women are safe now Willwall knowing you need naps and a blue pill to have your urges.......

Willtell 9:16 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners

Side of Ham 8:58 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
How am I fraud? You know fuck all about me, or my attendance of West Ham, your just some old rapey dickhead that sounds like he had to do a runner to France........

Willtell 8:29 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Ag Ag Ag! Snide the keyboard warrior ultra fan exposed as a fraud and I’m the coward...

Stop gibbing off on the internet and just buy a season ticket and enjoy the games. You’ll thank me later.

Side of Ham 8:14 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Nutsin, having probably like you never seen a good season followed up by another one I am indeed hopeful this can be changed by Moyes......

Side of Ham 8:11 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Willwall lets make it clear you are the gobby one on here so much so you had to fuck off for a while and pleaded you are just an old man......

.....you fucking coward from afar.......

Willtell 8:06 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Upton Park was home but I wasn’t happy about getting there, parking and then queuing for ages to get away, queuing to get through the Blackwall tunnel and back to civilisation.

If I went by train it took forever too - queuing for the tube was a nightmare as I don’t do queues.

It’s funny how I’ve rattled a few cages of our gobby ‘ultra’ fans that repeat things that just are irrelevant but untrue too....

Westham67 8:04 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Playing good football and winning games despite GSB

Nutsin 8:01 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Fair enough Ham.

I don’t have an opinion on the new stadium per se as I haven’t been.

I hear it’s not as bad as advertised. But I understand some of the angst against our owners.

I do however see progress being made in the field that I fucking love to see.

So for that alone I am truly thankful!

Long May it continue, happy days!

Westham67 8:01 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
I have been outside the stadium twice on the march and the end season protest to me the area looks like and industrial estate with the identify of IKEA

Side of Ham 7:56 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Feel free to give your opinion of the new place Nutsin. My post was directed at Manuel if you read his you'll see why I wrote my response.

Nutsin 7:52 Wed Sep 1
Re: Our owners
Boleyn ground many times. Been to plenty of away games too, on the inter city family rail card of course.

Unfortunately I haven’t been to the Olympic stadium yet. I did mention that in my post.

I’m what you might call an Armchair fan these days.

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